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27th Jul 2024
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CIS factsheets available in 12 languages

by The Editor at 11:25 19/02/07 (CIS News)
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has now published factsheets in a number of languages, to help subcontractors when the new Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) starts on April 2007.
The factsheets have been translated into Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian and Turkish.

Doug Tweddle, HMRC New CIS Programme Sponsor, said: "All sub-contractors in the construction industry need to know how the changes after 6 April will affect them; both in terms of their employment status when they are taken on by a contractor and how they are paid.

"We recognise that a growing proportion of construction industry subcontractors do not have English as a first language and we are pleased to be able to help them understand the new arrangements by making available factsheets in a language they will be fluent in".

The factsheets that have been translated are:

  • CIS 342 - Registering for New CIS - advice for subcontractors
  • CIS 343 - Applying to be paid gross - advice for subcontractors
  • CIS 344 - Getting paid by a contractor - advice for subcontractors

They are available on the HMRC website.

New CIS is designed to create a level playing field for those working in the sector. Under New CIS, the old registration cards (CIS4) and tax certificates (CIS5/6) from the current scheme will be dispensed with and a new verification system will be introduced to ensure that when a contractor first engages and pays a subcontractor, the contractor is told whether to pay the subcontractor in full or make a deduction from the payment. If the subcontractor is not registered, the contractor will be told to make a deduction at the higher rate.

Contractors must also satisfy themselves that the terms of any contract they have with their subcontractors are those of self-employment. If contractors need help to make a decision on a subcontractor's employment status, they can call the CIS Helpline (0845 366 7899) or use the Employment Status Indicator tool on the HMRC website.

Currently, subcontractors hold a tax certificate or registration card, which must be presented to contractors before any payments can be made. These documents indicate whether a subcontractor should be paid gross, or under deduction. For all payments, contractors must also submit vouchers on a monthly basis to HM Revenue & Customs. Contractors are also required to complete an end-of-year tax return, a requirement which will disappear under New CIS.

Hardhatter has a dedicated news area relating to developments surround the new CIS. You can access the information and subscribe to receive email alerts to new stories - free of charge in the Hardhatter CIS news area.

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Susie Hughes
The Editor © Hardhatter 2006

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